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The People’s Vote is Back

This week, Theresa May’s ultimate strategy was simultaneously laid bare and then destroyed. First, UK chief negotiator Ollie Robbins blew the lid on May’s plan when he was overheard late at night in a Brussels bar saying that she is deliberately running down the clock to force MPs to back her deal or face no deal. But then on Thursday Parliament heavily defeated the Government on its statement of May’s current Brexit approach. This is critical because it shows that there is now almost certainly a majority to rule out ‘no deal’ and extend Article 50 in the next big parliamentary vote on the 27th. This will in turn destroy May’s ‘my deal or no deal’ pretence and open the way to a People’s Vote. Remainers, we are back!

As I argue in this week’s New European, it is now time for Remain to march once more. We need to turn out in force for another mass public demonstration in London before May takes us to the precipice, and show her that we will not let her get Brexit through by default.

I spoke in the House of Lords this week many times as the Government pushed through a staggering 19 statutory instruments implementing Brexit. As I said in my speech on

Wednesday, it is difficult not to get genuinely angry at what the British state is about to inflict on the British public.

This week I also continued to tour the country, speaking in Stockton, Teeside, Halton, Weaver Vale, and Chichester. These meetings are filled with people who are desperate for Parliament to rule out no deal, and there is clearly a rising tide for a People’s Vote.

Next week I will be speaking in Wilmslow, East Cheshire, Islington, and at the Oxford Union. As always, do attend if I am in your area.

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